Thursday, June 25, 2009

 wife copy

Some people say :

       Wife is a HARIMAU ...............

       Girlfriend is HARI HARI MAU

And some say:

Wife is like TV ,

Girlfriend is like Handphone (HP)

At home watch TV ,

Go out bring HP .

No money , sell TV

Got money change HP .

Sometimes enjoy TV but most of the time play with HP .

TV free for life

if you don't pay HP , the services will be terminated .

TV is big , bulky and most of the time old

HP is cute , slim , curvy and very portable at any time .

Operational cost for TV is often acceptable

for HP is high and often demanding..

Most Important , TV got remote but HP doesn't have .

Last but not least.......

TV do not have virus but HP have VIRUS......
Once get it , HABIS LAH .

So better choose TV lah!!!


Hehehehehehehe… got it from email….!!!

READ MORE - Difference Between Wife and Girlfriend
Saturday, June 06, 2009

Nokia-Lifeblog-1 Biasanya di handphone symbian ada aplikasi bawaan yang namanya lifeblog... Ada yang ngerti gak gimana pakenya? Kalo ada ajarin dunk…!!

Nah, ada yang bilang kalo aplikasi ini dimatikan bisa mempercepat kinerja hape. Bagi yang ingin coba… Caranya adalah:

  1. Kamu harus punya aplikasi Jbak Taskman ama X-plorer.
  2. Gunakan jbak taskman untuk mematikan proses lifeblogobserver.
  3. Buka X-plorer, trus pastikan x-plorer di set untuk menunjukkan hidden file.
  4. Buka C:/data/lifeblog/database, trus delete file lifeblog.db
  5. Restart handphone.
  6. Gunakan jbak taskman untuk mematikan proses lifeblogobserver lagi.
  7. Buka X-plorer kemudian buka c:/data/lifeblog/database, pilih lifeblog.db kemudian tekan tombol 6, centang hidden dan read-only.
  8. Restart handphone lagi.
  9. Selesai…Aplikasi Lifeblog gak jalan lagi…

Kalo ingin menggunakan aplikasi lifeblog itu kembali tinggal buka c:/data/lifeblog/database, pilih lifeblog.db trus tekan 6 dan hilangkan centang pada hidden dan read-only. Trus restart lagi hapenya…


Udah di tes di N82, jika terjadi kesalahan karena artikel ini… resiko tanggung sendiri ya!!!! Hehehehehehe…

READ MORE - Cara Hilangkan Lifeblog di Handphone